Fertilizer use is below recommended rates in most of sub-Saharan Africa, contributing to poor crop yields and poverty. Farmers in Tanzania have low levels of fertilizer use, hence low productivity. Tanzanian farmers apply only 10 kilograms of fertilizer per hectare, in contrast with Brazilian and Indian farmers, who apply 175 and 165 kilograms per hectare, respectively. In addition to the low fertilizer use, Tanzanian farmers mostly apply only N and P nutrients, while other essential nutrients like K, S, Ca, Mg and micronutrients are neglected. In this light, adoption of a balanced fertilizer approach can increase yields, profits, and improve living standards among farmers in Tanzania.
Mbuthia, L.W.(1)*, T. Kimani(2), V. Rusangira(2), L. Mwakalinga(2), and P. Imas(3)
(1)Senior Agronomist for East Africa, ICL Fertilizers, Nairobi, Kenya
(2)Agronomists, ICL Fertilizers, Tanzania
(3)Chief Agronomist, ICL Fertilizers, Beer Sheva, Israel
*Corresponding author: lilianwanjiru.mbuthia@icl-group.com
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